Medicine Ball



MEDICINE BALL中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

MEDICINE BALL翻譯:健身(實心)球。了解更多。

Medicine ball

A medicine ball is a weighted ball whose diameter is about a shoulder-width (approx. 350 mm (13.7 in)), often used for rehabilitation and strength training.

迷你軟藥球Mini Medicine Ball - OK運動網

供應中 核心、全身、心肺與爆發性訓練最佳訓練裝備。 迷你軟性藥球適合初學者與女性使用者,皮質材質、接觸面積大,可減少不當丟擲時上肢使用的傷害。 規格:直徑25cm,重量3kg。

Medicine Ball 藥球| GQ SHOP

供應中 我們推薦這個來自義大利的品牌Technogym,推出各種精品等級的健身器材,美學與功能性兼具,其中這款藥球,材質採用厚合成皮和雙縫線包覆,搭配時尚的黑灰色,同時也是在做 ...


供應中 藥球直徑20cm. 重量有3KG及5KG兩種. 3KG為藍黑雙色,5KG為橘黑雙色. 表層為橡膠材質. 可以用來訓練核心、全身協調性. 安全且容易使用的訓練工具. 運費100. 3KG: $750.

Medicine Balls

Weighted Medicine Ball - Non-Slip Rubber Shell & Dual Texture Grip - Workout Exercise Ball for Core Strength, Balance Training, Coordination Fitness - Multiple ...

Medicine Ball

ProsourceFit Slam Medicine Balls 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50lbs Smooth and Tread Textured Grip Dead Weight Balls for Strength and Conditioning Exercises, ...

Medicine Balls for Sale

Medicine balls and slam balls from DICK'S Sporting Goods help support strength and cardio training. Use your medicine ball for a range of workouts and training ...

20 Minute FULL BODY Medicine Ball HIIT Workout

Tap in with us for a 20 minute HIIT workout with a medicine ball! This workout gives you the best of both worlds with strength and high ...

